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Pyrite in Dolomite

Pyrite in Dolomite

- Strong protection stone, sheilding from negative energies
- promoted physical well being
- Stimulates second and third chakras
- Enhances the strength of the mind and willpower in its wearer 
- Opens the heart and reminds the wearer to appreciate the smaller things in life

Iron Pyrite is an excellent energy shield. It blocks out negative energy and pollutants at all levels including infectious deases. Worn around the neck, it protects all the subtle* and physical bodies8, deflecting harm and danger. Iron Pyrite is a very positive stone. It overcomes inertia and feelings of inadequacy. It facilitates tapping into abilities and potential, stimulating the flow of ideas. A peace of Iron Pyrite places on d desk energizes the area around it. It is helpful when planning large business concepts. This stone teaches how to see behind a facade to what is, and promotes deplomacy. Psychologically, Iron Pyrite relieves anxiety and fustration and boosts self-worth and confidence. It is helpful for men who feel inferior as it strenghens confidence in themselves and there masculinity, but it may be too powerful for "macho" men, initiating aggression. It helps women to overcome servitude and inferiority complexes. Mental activity is accelerated by Iron Pyrite as it increases blood flow to the brain. It improves memory and recall. Cubic Pyrite in particlar expands and structures mental capabilities, balancing instinct with intuition, creativity with analysis. Emotionally Iron Pyrite is helpful for melancholy and deep despair. Physically, Iron Pyrite increases energy and overcomes fatigue. It blocks energy leaks from the physical body and the aura*

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