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Pink Amethyst Raw piece

Pink Amethyst Raw piece

The feminine essence of this crystal remains consistent throughout all of its metaphysical properties. Pink amethyst is a balancer, healer, womb-warmer and comforter — through and through.

Almost all of the properties of this stone seek to fill the heart with love at all times, which is not a common attribute for any form of amethyst. This gentle love energy is deeply connected to the spirits, but in a healing way as opposed to a psychic way. Regular purple amethyst is more concerned with the psychic.

You’re likely to find your intuition is increased when working with pink amethyst. This may offer you comfort during any form of sadness or grief, as you’ll have a heightened sense of truth no matter what adversity you are facing.

Pink amethyst is also a potent emotional balancer. During overwhelming interactions, you’ll be enabled to stay calm and collected, often neutralizing the energetic charge of the situation at hand.

Pink Amethyst Benefits

The biggest benefit to pink amethyst is that it is, quite literally, a frequency that the human body, mind and spirit has not yet encountered in the world. How could it have, if pink amethyst was only introduced to the world in 2019?

What this means is that pink amethyst brings the benefit of a fresh perspective. Your personal frequency will reap the rewards of this stone without much effort on your part. This makes pink amethyst a fabulous crystal to wear as jewelry, as it gives your energy much opportunity to interact with the stone throughout the day.

Pink Amethyst Healing Properties

There are also healing properties of pink amethyst, and the most important one is one that we have touched on already. Pink amethyst is a neutralizer of anxiety; even those who suffer from debilitating, chronic angst have seen improvement after long term use of this new crystal.

Pink amethyst is a stress reliever. If you, or someone you know, suffers from unwavering stress, there could be relief in keeping this stone close by. Similarly, pink amethyst may be able to treat physical ailments associated with intense stress, such as gut disorder, high blood pressure, and an over-sensitive nervous system.

Pink amethyst may reduce headaches when worn religiously. In the same regard, it may also induce lucid dreaming, as it is working so closely with the brain and mind. Keep it under your pillow if such an experience sounds like something you might like to enjoy!

  • Just so you know...

     All information about the metaphysical properties of the Crystals is for reference only. It is a combination of research on how the Crystals have been used by different cultures today and throughout history and my own personal experience.

    Crystals are different for everyone, there is no guarantee how they will affect your energy.

    We do not recommend using Crystals as substitute for conventional medical or psychological treatment and do not claim they treat or cure medical conditions. Please always listen to the advice of your medical professionals and only use Crystals as a complimentary therapy in addition to medical treatment.


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