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Moonstone obelisk

Moonstone obelisk

Physical Healer
Moonstone helps in keeping in tune with the normal rhythms of the biological forces of the wearer’s body and helps in utilizing natural energy cycles of the body. Moonstone is a great stone for women; it helps in enhancing fertility, eases the issues while pregnancy, treats the problems of the reproductive system, alleviates menstrual problems, and balances the hormonal system.

Moonstone can perform great as a growth stone for children and adolescents and has been considered to slow the deterioration process of the elderly. It mainly helps in alleviating degenerative conditions of the hair, skin, eyes, and the fleshy organs of the body. It is also useful in treating insomnia.

Moonstone may also be used as a therapy in enhancing the absorption of nutrients, getting rid of toxins and treating disorders of the digestive systems.

Spiritual Healer
Regarded as a sacred stone in India, Moonstone is considered there a stone of the gods and goddesses, of optimism and religious purity through defiance of the ego. It is thought to fight materialism and greed, and as an enriching stone for enhancing the faith and belief of people in all cultures.

Moonstone unlocks the intellect to hope and wishes, motivation and desire, destiny and synchronicity. It brings optimism and keeps the wearer away from negative thoughts and ideologies.

Emotional Healer
As the moon is considered to be soothing and calming, in the same way, Moonstone has long been known for its qualities of composure and peacefulness. It instills willpower in the wearer and the energy that is required to maintain it all the way through emotional traumas. It also helps recognize the emotional prototypes that are stocked up in the subconscious mind and stimulates confidence and self-possession.

Moonstone is a great healer for children as it treats insomnia, sleepwalking, and other sleep-related problems in them.

Moonstone grants gentleness within the self, deep and pure feelings, and happiness to the wearer. Mostly associated with feminism, Moonstone reveals the power of women to fight bad things. It enhances the intuitive side of the mind. For men, Moonstone helps in making them more compatible with the feminine aspects of their nature and balances the emotional feelings and thinking in them.

Balances and Heals Chakra
This beautiful white crystal is believed to heal the crown chakra and the spiritual center of the body. Moonstone is helpful in representing oneness with the god, harmony, and astuteness.

The crown chakra is the gateway to the universe beyond and strengthens our spiritual powers. It is the source of universal power and force. When the crown chakra is in balance, the energies of the wearer are in balance.

Moonstone cleanses and drives out pessimism and negative energies from all the chakras, giving them energy and support. It provides spiritual sustenance to assist the wearer throughout all changes that happen in his life.  

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