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Lapis Lazuli Angel

Lapis Lazuli Angel

Lapis Lazuli’s benefits consist of a powerful intense blue stone used to open minds and give enlightenment. It is used to encourage self - awareness, self - confidence, self - knowledge, peace and harmony, compassion, morality, making the wearer in a good mood throughout the day. Lapis lazuli properties are being effective to soothe inflammation and help both respiratory and nervous systems fight problems. It clears the throat and thyroid, best for those who suffer vocal issues and sore throats.

What are the healing properties of Lapis Lazuli? There’s a lot of benefits you can get when you are owning a stone like this. It can boost the immune system, it cools and soothes inflammation, it reduces insomnia, overcomes depression, and vertigo. This is a helpful tool for intellectual analysis, problem - solving, and creating new ideas. This stone can be handily used to generate different ideas, enhance intellectual abilities, and activates and sharpens your memory. Lapis lazuli metaphysical properties make this crystal so useful and popular up to this era.

Feelings and Emotional Healing

Lapis Lazuli's healing crystal was discovered to relieve anger and negative thoughts. It is a useful tool for those who suffer emotional breakdowns, it calms the senses and opens up the mind to produce knowledge and self-awareness. It is a stone of protection against anxiety, and psychic attacks that down the mind to think more and create more ideas. it stimulates clarity and objectivity and speaks one's truth and emotions. It also came to balance the male and female aspects of your personality which vibrates with the energy of the inner king or queen, and are historically stones of royalty.

Lapis lazuli emotional healing is not just with the inner issues but it can let into your life to generate goals and determination. it can wash out the negativity of your mind for you to think clearly. Strengthens the mind to influence your body for being active at work, career, and life, in general, are designed to be lapis lazuli healing properties.


Because of its connection to heaven energies, and used by the ancient royal families way back, some of the lapis lazuli healing properties are believed to produce vibrations activating the mind, and influence life of more intelligence, success, and stillness of inner senses. It helps the person to be more aware, and can easily express his or her truth. It is also called as The Wisdom Keeper as it synchronizes the mind, body, and spirit. Its power can unveil your inner wisdom and enhance the connection with your inner strength.

This is a way to clear the minds and set a new pattern to generate new ideas. Openness, tranquility, and self-confidence are an exchange of anxiety, depression, and negative thoughts brought by different experiences in life which lapis lazuli has and can provide.


Lapis lazuli stone can connect your heart and mind forcing it to create a good flow of blood and calms your emotions. This happens to be a treat for skin issues, aids respiratory problems and is good for the nervous system that controls brain disorders like Asperger's syndrome, autism, and attention-deficit. It is believed to boost the immune system, help the blood circulate normally, and soothe the areas of inflammation. It cleanses organs, thymus, and bone marrows. It is also a good treatment for women suffering from menstrual difficulties, cramps, dysmenorrhea, stiffness, and lumbago.

Placing this in your upper area can stimulate power from its chakra (throat) particularly on your throat, larynx, thyroids, and vocal cords area that needs improvement. It is beneficial to those who want to perform in auditions that can receive perfect focus, gives clarity, encouragement, and self-knowledge. These are based on faith healers who identified lapis lazuli healing properties through its chakra representation.


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