Friendship Crystals
Rainbow Moonstone - very supportive and is the stone of new beginnings
Rose Quartz - opens the heart to love and friendship
Pink Opal - is the stone of love and loyalty
Blue Lace Agate - allows free expression of love and feelings
Lapis Lazuli - helps bond relationships
Just so you know...
All information about the metaphysical properties of the Crystals is for reference only. It is a combination of research on how the Crystals have been used by different cultures today and throughout history and my own personal experience.
Crystals are different for everyone, there is no guarantee how they will affect your energy.
We do not recommend using Crystals as substitute for conventional medical or psychological treatment and do not claim they treat or cure medical conditions. Please always listen to the advice of your medical professionals and only use Crystals as a complimentary therapy in addition to medical treatment.