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Super Seven Sphere

Super Seven Sphere

Super Seven is also known as Melody’s Stone or the Sacred Seven.  This truly is a stone of the new world, it’s energy is so alive and buzzing it’s like a little psychic power station, (when I first had one I couldn’t sleep with it in the bedroom). It is said that it enhances all psychic skills especially the ability to see Auras, I find this to be true! It’s a very protective stone.

This stone is a mixture of all of these seven crystals; Amethyst, Smokey Quartz, Clear Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Geothite, Lepidochrosite and Cocoxenite. It holds all the properties of all seven crystals and is, I think, one of the most powerful healing/expansive stones there are out there. It retains its own energy and never needs either cleansing or energising.

These are the 7 crystals/minerals that are carried within a Super 7 Crystal and a brief overveiw of their properties;

AMETHYST – This crystal encourages and supports the awakening of the spiritual senses, intuition and clairvoyant abilities. Amethyst helps with stability, it also aids in the balancing out of negative energy.

SMOKY QUARTZ – this crystal helps one stay focused,  alert and in tune with the surroundings.  Smoky Quartz also enhances the ability to be a good business person. It is protective and healing.

CLEAR QUARTZ CRYSTAL, mostly known as the crystal that amplifies and strengthens, it is a powerful healer, as well as bringing skills in listening . Quartz Crystal also helps with the continuity of the flow of energy.

RUTILE – Is seen as a stone of joy and optimism, it is a crystal that can strengthen love bringing growth inspiritual aspirations. Rutile helps being out stability in any love or relationship. It also brings mental balance.

GOETHITE – is known to aid in the ability to keep to ones tasks clear making one concentrate and focus on the task ahead. Goethite helps and aids in the balance of negative and the positive.

LEPIDOCROCITE – is a crystal enhances the intellectual ability. Lepidocrocite also gives an individual to have sound thoughts and emotional grounding.

CACOXENITE – is a crystal known to aid one understand all the positive aspect of life, enhancing the openness to spiritual pursuits. Cacoxenite also empowers one to dispel any negativity.

Super 7 carries the vibration of all of those crystals together, it’s a very special stone!

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