Quartz Fish
The 'Stone of Energy', the name of this stone can mean many things but it is answering what exactly this Clear Quartz can offer, a pure and powerful energy source. Clear Quartz will amplify any other stones energy that is around it, such as a protection stone, Clear Quartz will strengthen the protection abilities as well as it being a protector itself. This stone is a cleanser of the mind, body and soul, also of any area it is kept in, by drawing away negative energies. Clear Quartz is a fantastic "transmitter" and can be used for meditation, scrying, channelling, healing and to just be an all round inner sense strengthener. Holding all the colours of the spectrum and having such a purity of energy, Clear Quartz can be used in place of many other stones if one finds it hard to "connect" to other stones at the time or that are available. Place Clear Quartz anywhere around the home or work place to protect yourself and others from the affects of EMF, you can use this stone very widely for gridding. Clear Quartz will also help to cleanse other stones of negative energies, at anytime you feel that the Clear Quartz is not working quite right, it will need cleansing and re-energiseing. Clear Quartz works well with all of the Chakra's, cleansing, balancing, aligning and stimulating when and where it is needed. "When all else fails call upon the beauty of Clear Quartz".