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Galena Speciman

Galena Speciman

Galena is one of the strongest grounding stones we know of, and we recommend it to anyone who's constantly working towards their goals. Our root chakra becomes open and activated when working with Galena, allowing us to fully ground ourselves down to the earth. Physically, this stone is very dense and heavy, which mimics the vibrations Galena radiates. The energy one feels when working with this stone is very powerful and helps to recharge your internal “battery”. It provides the much needed energy to get long and challenging tasks done. We suggest placing this stone in any workplace, office, meditation or exercise room. Galena will fill the environment with positive energy that can push one into action.

We recommend Galena for those long deep meditative sessions. This stone will provide the energy needed to fully relax, as well as offer up more than enough life force for these experiences. We suggest placing a piece of Galena directly in front of you when meditating, and envision all the energy in the room being siphoned down into the cube. Place your intentions in this cube alongside all of this new found energy. When finished meditating, be sure to carry this stone with you each day going forward. This tiny crystal contains an abundance of energy, as well as your “super-charged” intentions and desires.


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